Our weekend was quite busy and calving has offically started. Friday night, our 7 year old (Colter) decided that he wanted in on the fun of checking the heifers. So off we went, me with the flashlight and Colter with a headlamp. At first glance we noticed one heifer with a calf in the straw and it looked to be doing fine. I heard another heifer bellering so we went to check it out. This calf wasn't looking so good and mama was being protective. Trent came out with Angus (4 year old Black Gelding) to help us out. He gave me the calf to carry up to the barn and to start warming it up. We got it into the heated room and my little boy was set to blowing it dry with the hairdryer. She was a tiny little thing and we weren't sure if she was going to make it but with a lot of tender care and some clostrium from mom she is doing fine.
On Saturday, we gave pre-breeding shots to the yearling heifers and moved them to a feedlot a couple of miles away. This allowed us the room to bring our other bred heifers home so they are where they need to be when calving starts for them in a few weeks. We trailed those heifers the few miles home on Sunday and thank goodness we didn't wait because the weather has gotten cold and nasty again. We are sure wishing spring would come soon around here!